I'm Shauna, owner of Designed by Shauna.
"What do we do to survive?"
That was the question I asked myself in the aftermath of 2020.
Businesses were closing, jobs were being lost and those that didn't shut down were struggling to bounce back. All I could think to do was, "run lean, stick to the essentials and design with marketing in mind."
Budgets were tight, but they were there. Established businesses took the downtime as an opportunity to reevaluate their direction, new businesses navigated their way through the unknown, and all of them needed help. I implemented a new, old mantra: Less is More. I went back to the basics and made a list of business essentials - things that a business must have to survive.
Run Lean
Running lean means to do things right the first time, and it requires thought. To unify all marketing materials around a company brand saves time and money and pushes a business forward with steady momentum.
Stick to the Essentials
It's always a good idea to stick to essential advertising components. Cutting out the unnecessary will save money, establish solid business recognition, and reinforce a consistent message throughout all avenues of advertising.
Marketing in Mind
Trackable content opens a window to "knowing" rather than "hoping" advertising works. This gives a business greater control over the ad budget. Our tracking system provides the freedom to shift quickly toward what is working and away from what is not.
I've learned, first-hand, that luck favors the prepared. It's my desire to bring the best of "luck" to businesses by preparing their advertising for today and for the unforeseen future.
Every business deserves to thrive.
But if times ever get hard again, Designed by Shauna will have helped build advertising momentum to push businesses through the storm.